Sunday, October 7, 2007

Me, myself, and I.

Hi. To those of you who aren't reading this, my name is Dakota. You probably aren't wondering who I am, but oh well.

Im 14, my best friends are Jonathon and James (aka Michael). And yes, that's how his name is spelt.

I live in Texas. Its so hot here. I have alot of profiles on different sites.
Especially DeviantART. It's Lemonwedge228
I have brown hair? It's short.
Um...I have blue eyes.
My sister is retarded...
Baisically it.
Oh, and I love Winto-O-Green Lifesavers.


Anonymous said...

you got the name from sydney white. a guy in the movie has a blog named peoples punisher :)

Anonymous said...

you got the blog title "people's punisher" from the movie "Sydney White".

coachskau said...


Pepz Rulz (and stuff) said...


those pics r reeely funny, did u draw them?¿?¿?¿ Cuase if u did u have a talent.


ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, senor observanto.

coachskau said...

yeah. i drew them.

Pepz Rulz (and stuff) said...


visit my blog it has tonnes of videos and if u like it plz reccomend it to people.

[discovery channel song is realy good listen to the whole thing]
My nik name is pepz.



coachskau said...

Pepz Rulz (and stuff) said...

Wats Green-o-winta or sometin?

Anonymous said...

you got the name from SYDNEY WHITE!!! thats the site in the movie. :)

Anonymous said...

we all know you got the name from sydney white.
you dont have to ashamed.

coachskau said...

Who says I'm ashamed?

Bee said...

I do know where you got the name from, and I think it's pretty cool that you draw attention to your blog that way. ^^ I hope that I can read some of your posts and stuffs.

>.> Uhmm...yea...

coachskau said...

I don't try to draw atention to my blog. It's boring.